The COVID-19 pandemic is leaving restaurants short-staffed for many reasons. As restaurants gradually reopen, many staff members are choosing not to return. Staff members might fall ill at the last moment, leaving you struggling to find instant replacements. Alternatively, you might want to reduce labor costs in the midst of financial uncertainty and low restaurant traffic, but are unable to serve guests quickly on weekends and holidays.

How can your restaurant reduce labor costs while still operating efficiently? Technology is becoming a popular option as guests look to minimize contact with people and public surfaces. In particular, contactless dining technology is being rapidly adopted by restaurants of all sizes that want to serve more guests without increasing labor costs.

What Is Contactless Dining?

Our Contactless Dining Solution enables guests to view the complete menu, place orders, pay at the table, and much more with their phone at the table. Guests no longer need to wait for servers to process the check before they can leave. This solution helps you increase table turnover even while understaffed, resulting in a better guest experience.

How Does Contactless Dining Reduce Labor Costs?

  • Serve Guests Faster
    By scanning the QR code at their table, guests can view the full menu and place their order in less than 30 seconds. They can even redeem loyalty rewards and customize items on their phone. Finally, guests can pay on their phone without needing to wait for a server.
  • Save On Labor
    Our contactless dining solution enables you to reopen at maximum permissible capacity without needing to hire more staff members. Offer a superior and safe dining experience even while short-staffed. This allows you to efficiently serve all guests both when traffic is low and during high-traffic weekends.
  • Save Servers Time
    Servers no longer have to make several trips between the POS terminal and the guest’s table to process orders or payments. The traditional payment process can take up to more than 10 minutes. It requires the server to deliver the check, pick up the credit card, and return the credit card with the receipt. With contactless dining, guests can scan a QR code to view the check, make their payment, receive an emailed receipt, and leave a tip. Servers can instead focus on serving food, clearing tables, and making guests feel welcome.
  • Increase Table Turnover
    With contactless payments, guests do not need to wait for servers to print out their check or receipt and return their credit card. Guests can view the check and pay for meals on their phone whenever they are ready to leave. The payment process is seamless and can save your restaurant a significant amount of time and labor.
  • Improve Guest Satisfaction
    Using a contactless dining solution, guests can order additional items on demand and pay without waiting for a server each time. The system also helps guests feel more safe. Guests no longer need to touch a physical menu or interact closely with staff members. The technology automatically provides personalized upsells to guests, therefore increasing average check sizes.
  • Go Contactless In 3 Days
    Sign up today within 3 minutes and start saving on labor in just 3 days. There are no recurring fees and there is no need to change your existing POS system.

Restaurants need to reduce costs more than ever as the future of the industry remains unpredictable. But guests will still be returning to restaurants for the same reason as before: to enjoy a hospitable dining experience. Your restaurant can satisfy guests while increasing your profit margins by using contactless dining technology. Visit to order your contactless kit today. The solution is available globally but supplies are limited and demand is high, so reserve your spot now.